I Love Hobart

I don’t have a favorite child, but I do have favorite characters. Some are easy to write. Others are people I wish I knew in real life. Hobart from The Legend of Hobart is both. Here are four reasons I love Hobart:

  1. He’s an underdog.

    I appreciate the occasional has it all together hero. But in general, I prefer an underdog. I find them more relatable. And the harder a character has to fight, the more satisfying I find their victory.

  2. He makes me laugh, a lot.

    I know, laughing at your own writing is like laughing at your own jokes. But if something doesn’t make me laugh, I figure there’s a small chance that it will make anyone else laugh. And Hobart makes me laugh a lot.

  3. He goes on an epic adventure.

    I love an adventure, especially in books where you can imagine that you are along for the experience!

  4. He practically wrote himself.

    I learn the most from challenges. But every once in a while, it’s nice to have something come easily. And Hobart was the easy kind. I appreciate that.

    So there you have it. A funny underdog who sets out on an epic adventure. What’s not to love about Hobart?